Heh. I think on every single message board I've ever visited, it's the same. Somebody posts a sarcastic and/or non politically correct message and ends by saying that they'll take their ticket to Hell now please. Preferably first-class and aisle seat, and definitely one-way. Not that
I would ever make such a comment [Who, little old me? Never!], but I thought it would be fun to go ahead and create my very own "Ticket to Hell" design for my
Barry's World Store. At first I was going to make it look like an airline ticket so I could include text about the ticket being one-way, first class and with an aisle seat. Unfortunately, after looking at few real airline tickets I realized that the relevant text would be way to small to read from more than a few inches away. So, instead, I decided to go with this design instead. It may not be as complicated, but I think it gets the point across nicely. Plus, I was really pleased with how real it looks.
So... What do you think?
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