Thinking positive!

OK, so it's not little. In fact, it's a very popular site that's been up for a number of years. It's run by a guy in his early thirties named Randy Milholland, who was born and raised in a small town in Texas but who now lives outside of Boston, Massachusetts, and stars a guy in his early thirties who was born and raised in a small town in Texas but who now lives outside of Boston, Massachusetts, and has mostly wacky and surreal adventures with his friends and co-workers. The strip is only semi-autbiographical (apparently it started out a lot more autobiographical at the beginning and then drifted).
I first discovered Something Positive a couple of years ago and instantly became entranced (I think it took me 2-3 days of solid reading to make it all the way through the archives). Part of the appeal, of course, was simply the fact that the bulk of the storyline is set near where I live and it's always cool to recognize local restaurants and landmarks. More importantly, though, was the humor of the strip which doesn't seem to have any sacred cows whatsoever as far as I can see. Anything, and I do mean anything is fair game for abuse and ridicule. Although I don't find every single strip hillariously funny (especially the strip where he randomly killed off the main character's mother), the vast majority leave me with a smile on my lips.
So, why am I telling you about all this? Because yesterday I ran my very first ad on the Something Positive site. It cost me $40 to run the ad itself, plus an extra $50 to have the artist design the ad for me using one of his characters. You can see the ad to the left, with the character "Mike" wearing a t-shirt with one of my designs. The ad did generate a significant amount of treaffic to my store, and I even sold a bunch of t-shirts as well, but to be honest it was worth the $90 just to see one of his characters wearing one of my designs. I mean, how cool is that?
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