Home of the $100 T-Shirt!

And then, just the other day, I read an ABC News Article about a restaurant down in Florida that has started selling $100 hamburgers. Yes, that's right -- a hamburger for $100. I'm sure it's a very tasty hamburger, and at 20 ounces nobody is going to be asking, "Where's the Beef," but still, $100? Once again, it comes down to the fact that people are willing to pay ridiculous amounts of money for the feeling that they are members of an exclusive club. Maybe you can't be a rock star or the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, but you can at least feel like one (or perhaps you can at least make other people think you are one).
Well, after giving it some thought, I thought I could combine both of these trends together and came up with my very own $100 T-shirt. I thought for a brief cynical moment that the shirt should just be plain white with simple black text stating, "This shirt cost $100," but my artistic integrity got the better of me and I decided to make it look nice. I mean, it still actually states, "This shirt cost $100," but instead of plain letters I created a faux gold and diamond-encrusted "bling bling" look to it.
So.... What do you think? If people will pay $955 for a t-shirt just because it is sold in a swanky shop frequented by rock stars and $100 for a hamburger because it's served in a swanky restaurant where rich businessmen go to dine, will anybody pay $100 for a t-shirt designed by yours truly and sold online?
Probably not. But you never know....
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