More Chest Bursters!

What can I say? I saw the original "Alien" at the tender age of 12 (ayup, I went to see it with my mother, but in her defense it was on the recommendation of a friend and neither of us knew it was R-rated until it was too late), and I have been a fan of the series ever since. The first movie was a terrifically (or should that be "terrorifically"?) effective scary movie. Granted, the special effects are a bit dated and it suffers a bit upon repeat viewing (especially when you can freeze-frame the DVD player), but it still ranks up there as one of the scariest movies in my book. [As an aside, the recently released "Directors Cut" that came out on DVD is a marked improvement, if for no other reason than the fact that many of the scenes with sub-par special effects were trimmed to the bare bones.]
The second movie, "Aliens" wasn't quite as scary, but it was a rip-snorting action adventure story the likes of which hadn't been seen very often before. Real adrenaline-pumping stuff there, no doubt!
The third film, "Alien3," has a pretty bad reputation among fans, but I have to admit that I quite liked it. I felt it really returned to the basic themes explored in the first film (primarily the fact that a bunch of unarmed people had to go up against a hideous unstoppable monster), and was therefore a lot scarier than the second film. Sure, I was upset that two of survivors of the second movie didn't make it into the third movie, but that didn't ruin the film for me.
As for "Alien Resurrection", well, it had excellent production values, great special effects and really good acting. Sadly, there was just way too much silliness (breath-opened doors?) and logical inconsistencies for me to enjoy it as much as the other three films. Of course, that hasn't stopped me from watching it 3 or 4 more times on DVD since I first saw it in the theater...